The capitalised terms used in these Terms of Service shall have the following meaning:
- Expert – software developer, member of a team of WordPress specialized programmers working for the Provider.
- Provider – an entity providing access to the Site and Services available through the Site, that is WPKraken Sp. z o.o., a company operating in compliance with the law of the Republic of Poland, with its registered office in Katowice, at Jesionowa 22, 40–158 Katowice, Poland with NIP (tax identification number): 9542833037, KRS: 0000932075 and REGON: 520454796.
- Site – website, accessible under the URL: and all associated sites linked to the Site, which are operated by the Provider.
- Services – the services available through the Site in accordance with these Terms of Service, which include, but are not limited to, WordPress custom programming services, any other service and/or content the Provider makes available to or performs for Clients, as well as the offering of any materials displayed, transmitted or performed on the Site or through the Services.
- Terms of Service – this document, specifying the terms and conditions of the use of the Site and Services as well as the rights and obligations of Clients and the Provider.
- Client – an individual who has reached the age of majority in his/her jurisdiction, with a full capacity to enter into legal transactions, acting on his/her own behalf, which makes use of the Site in accordance with the Terms of Service.
About the
- The Site is accessible worldwide to anyone with Internet access under the URL:
- The Site provides specialized programming services to operators of websites running on installations of WordPress which include, but are not limited to, WordPress custom programming services.
- These Terms of Service form a legally binding contract between a Client and the Provider, with respect to the Client’s use of the Site and Services. By using the Site or Services, the Client affirms that has reached the age of majority in his/her jurisdiction, and is fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, representations, and responsibilities set forth in these Terms of Service, and to abide and comply with these Terms of Service.
Job requests and registration procedure
- Service must be requested through the “Order A Job” page to be received and responded to in a reasonable amount of time.
- In order to request a job the Client shall fill the order form on
- The Client is obliged to ensure that all information he/she submits to the Provider is accurate, complete and not misleading. Information included in a job request must be precisely defined so that the Services ordered through the Site may be accurately estimated and adequately performed.
- Placing an order for Services offered through the Site requires user’s registration and creating an user’s account within the Site. For unregistered Clients the user’s account will automatically be created. Registration may also be made by accessing the Site, clicking the Login / Register button and filling a register form. In order to complete the registration the Client must click (or paste into the browser) confirmation link received by e-mail with account information sent by the Provider.
- Client’ orders are subject to approval by the Provider, who may deny job request.
- Each job request will be individually estimated by the Provider based on applicable hourly rate and the scope of work required for the performance of the requested job. The effort required for development is exclusively evaluated and determined by the Provider based on professional experience and knowledge.
- Upon receiving Client’s job request the Provider will present the Client with a Statement of Work where he will describe what is within the scope of approved job request and include estimate of job request. Provider’s estimation is valid for 30 days from the date of issuing it. After that period the price may change.
- The requested job will not be performed until Client entirely accepts the Statement of Work and the fee due to Provider is fully paid up on a prepay basis. Any modification or development not defined in the Statement of Work will NOT be performed.
- Any further modification of the Statement of Work may be subjected to re-estimate or additional payment.
- The Provider gives no guarantee either express or implied on the timeframe of when a requested job will be completed.
- Client has a right to perform three (3) revisions of the received development. Those revisions may include: moving the elements, small styling changes on the site but not extensive changes to looks or functionality. Fixing warranty claims are not considered a revision.
- The job shall be automatically accepted and considered properly performed if the Client does not submit any comments within 5 business days (or 3 business days for jobs with prices up to $1000) from the Client’s last interaction with an Expert.
- Until the Services are completed and accepted, regardless of whether the acceptance is express or implied pursuant to section 3.12 above the Client is entitled to ask for an up to 100% refund, if the development significantly fails to meet the requirements specified in the Client’s job request or is unable to complete the Service. The Provider reserves the right to refuse refunds on justifiable grounds.
After a period of 30 days, only defects resulting from obvious errors of the Provider are a subject to complain. - The invoice is issued, upon acceptance of the requested work, regardless of whether the acceptance is express or implied pursuant to above section.
- After the Services are completed and accepted, regardless of whether the acceptance is express or implied pursuant to section 3.12 above, the Client receives an automatic request for review on their experience with the Service, however the Client has no obligation to respond to it. The Client agrees that, the review may be made public by the Provider.
- The Provider cannot use the data to servers for any reason beyond the scope of performance of the Services offered through the Site.
- All of the Services available on the Site can be used for personal and commercial use, unless stated otherwise.
- Services offered through the Site require payment of fees estimated by the Provider on a pre-pay basis.
- Payments may be made through Stripe or Wire Transfer.
- The Provider reserves the right to change prices and fees related to Services offered through the Site at any time. Such changes shall be posted online at the Site and effective immediately without the need for further notice. Such changes shall not affect the fees and prices related to a job request previously approved and estimated by the Provider.
- All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities, and the Client is responsible for payment thereof. The Client agrees to pay for any taxes that might be applicable to payments he/she makes to the Provider.
- The invoice regarding settlement of the Service shall not reveal the type, duration, frequency, and other technical parameters of individual Services performed for a Client unless the Client requested detailed information in this respect.
Technical requirements for using the Site and Services
- Technical requirements concerning the use of the Site and Services are as follows:
- Internet connection;
- web browser enable of displaying hypertext documents (HTML) which are linked with the Internet through a website with activated Java Script execution and writing cookies files;
- active email account.
- It is Client’s responsibility to ensure that used equipment and software meet above requirements and allow him/her to use the Site and Services.
Client’s right and duties
- Before starting the use of the Site and Services, a Client is obliged to accept the provisions of these Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Access and use of the Site and Services is concerned as acceptance of these Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.
- A Client using the Site and Services is obliged to comply with the generally applicable law and provisions of these Terms of Service.
- Each account is intended and designed for use by an individual user. Therefore a Client can hold only one account, which cannot be transferred to or used by third party. A Client may not allow anyone else to use his/her login. If so, the Client accepts full responsibility for the consequences of such actions.
- After the Client accepts the Statement of Work, he is obligated to monitor and response to the chat conversation with the WP Kraken team. After being idle for five (5) or more calendar days, the project will return to the project queue and a new turn around time will be specified for it. The Clients absence permits the Provider to request additional fee.
- Client is obligated to refrain from any work done on the website by himself or any third party developers during the project development by WP Kraken team. Otherwise, he must provide a GIT environment to make tracking changes easy.
- A Client is obliged to refrain from any actions that could damage or disturb the operation of the Site or use of Services, or any system, hardware, software or network connected to the Site included but not limited to:
- attempts at disturbing, breaking the security or cutting off access to accounts of other Clients or to their computers (DOS, DDOS attacks, DNS spoofing);
- attempts at hacking or reverse engineering any code or equipment in connection with the Site;
- phishing, that is falsifying information which permits to identify a Client or hiding such information without having first obtaining a written consent;
- uploading, posting streaming or transmitting any content that contains any viruses, worms, spyware, time bombs or other computer programs that may damage, interfere with or disrupt the Site or computers or other users;
- unauthorized scanning of the network of other Clients in search of security gaps;
- unauthorized monitoring of network traffic or other attempts of intercepting information reserved for the Provider or to other Clients;
- pharming, that is the use of malicious software, disturbing the operation of DNS servers or other means aimed at redirecting Client to a website or to another site impersonating the Site in order to gather personal data of Clients, the data necessary for logging or other information;
- giving unauthorized access to the account to other persons;
- taking over IP addresses.
- A Client may not use the Site and Services to engage or to assist others in any of the following:
- deceptive or misleading practices;
- abusing, intimidating or harassing others and stalking behaviour;
- uploading, posting, streaming or transmitting any content or material that is offensive, hateful or vulgar, including without limitation to any content or communication that is racially, ethnically, religiously, or sexually offensive, defaming, threatening, bullying or stalking;
- uploading, posting, streaming or transmitting any unsolicited or unauthorized material, including junk mails, SPAM, excessive mails or chain letters;
- uploading, posting, streaming, accessing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes or violates any third-party rights (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights or privacy rights), any law or regulation, these Terms of Service or contractual obligations;
- using, making or distributing unauthorized software or hardware in conjunction with the Site, or taking or using Services or the Sites to design, develop or update unauthorized software or hardware;
- framing the Site, displaying the Site in connection with an unauthorized logo or mark, or taking actions that could falsely suggest a relationship between the Provider and any third person or potentially deprive the Provider of revenue (including, without limitation, revenue from advertising, branding or promotional activities);
- unauthorized spidering, scraping or harvesting content, contact or other personal data or using any other unauthorized automated means to compile information;
- defeating any access controls, accessing any portion of the Site that the Provider has not authorized Client to access (including password-protected areas), link to password-protected areas, attempt to access or using another Client’s account;
- direct or indirect sending, collection, sale or distribution of email addresses for the purposes of sending mass unsolicited correspondence (spam);
- distributing commercial content such as advertisements, solicitations, promotions and links to websites.
- Client is solely responsible for content and communications posted within the Site and bears the fully consequences thereof. The Provider is not liable for the content that is provided by Client.
- The Provider has the right (but not the obligation) to pre-screen content and communications submitted by Client, to record, monitor, edit, move, remove, block, edit, or refuse to post any content and communications submitted by Client for any reason, including that Client’s content is abusive, illegal, or disruptive, or that otherwise violates these Terms of Service, other applicable terms, rules or agreements between Client and the Provider. The Provider however is not responsible for any failure or delay in pre-screening, blocking or removing such material.
- The Provider is authorized to immediately, without prior notice, terminate an agreement, suspend or permanently remove the account of the Client who breaches these Terms of Service, other applicable terms, rules or agreements between Client and the Provider. In such a case the Provider shall not bear any liability vis-à-vis Client for taking such remedies.
- The Provider undertakes to ensure possibly the highest quality and stability of the Site and Services, however within the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, the Provider shall not be liable for any breaks or disturbance caused by force majeure or unauthorized activity of third parties.
- Within the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, the Provider shall not be liable for temporary breaks in the Site or Services, caused by the implementation of new solutions and facilities within the framework of the Site or maintenance works on the IT system equipment used to provide access to the Site and Services. As much as possible, the Provider will be notifying Clients of any scheduled breaks in the Site operation and Services accessibility or any inconveniences that may occur in its use.
- In cases affecting the security or stability of the Site and Services, the Provider reserves the right to temporarily reduce or suspend the access to the Site without previously notifying Clients and to conduct maintenance works aimed to reinstate the security and stability of the Site and Services. In such a case the Provider shall not bear any liability vis-à-vis Client’s for described actions.
- Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the Provider and its employees and contractors, harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, losses, claims, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of Client’s use or misuse of the Site and related to third party claims, charges or investigations, caused by Client’s breach of these Terms of Service, including, without limitation, Client’s violation of any law or regulation or the rights of any third party.
Agreement for providing access to the Site and Services
- By electronically submitting the register form, the Client represents and warrants that he/she has read, understands and agrees to be bound by these Terms of Service and agreement for providing access to the Site and Services. Client cannot access and use the Site and use Services without prior acceptance of these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- A Client may stop using the Site and the Services at any time and terminate the agreement for providing access to the Site, effective forthwith without stating any reasons by submitting a termination notice to the Provider through the following link The Account shall be deleted from the database within 14 days of confirming the receipt of the termination notice.
Warranty claims
- Warranty claims due to failure to perform or improper performance of the Service can be submitted by the Client to the Provider, by sending the warranty claim through the following link
- The warranty claim should be submitted within 30 calendar days as of the moment when the job was approved. Upon lapse of the time mentioned above, a complaint may not be taken into consideration.
- The warranty claim should include the Client’s contact information, job ID, email address and a short description of the reported issue.
- The Provider processes warranty claims within 14 days of receiving.
- If a given claim does not include the elements stated in section 9.3 above, the Provider informs a Client that a complaint cannot be considered explaining reasons for such a case.
- The Provider shall respond to any claims in written form or via email, to the address given by the Client, within 14 days of receiving the claim, informing whether or not it accepts the claim, and either present a solution, or inform that there are no grounds for recognizing the claim, justifying its position.
- If a Client is not satisfied with Provider’s response with respect to the warranty claim, the Client may take the matter to an external independent dispute resolution.
- Provider shall not consider warranty claims resulting from ignorance of the legal regulations in force, provisions of these Terms of Service, or the information announced on the Site.
- Provider shall not consider warranty claims caused by third-party work (ex. Themes or Plugins) that he did not develop or modify.
Intellectual Property
- Any intellectual property rights of the Site and Services are the exclusive property of the Provider or their respective owners. All creative elements placed on this Site are protected by intellectual property rights, and in particularly by copyright. All trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, texts and other distinctive signs appearing on the Sites are the intellectual property of the Provider or third parties. Therefore, they may not be reproduced, used or represented without the prior authorization of the Provider or third parties. Any proprietary or intellectual property rights to works owned by a third party, which do not constitute the content of the Site and Services but are accessible by using the Site and Services, constitute the property of their respective owners and are protected by copyright law, or other laws governing intellectual property.
- The Client is granted the right to use the Site and Services solely for the purposes stated in the Terms. The Provider hereby grants to Client a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sublicenseable right to access, through a generally available web browser and to use the Site and Services as the Provider intends the Site and Services to be used, and only in accordance with these Terms of Service. Provider grants to the Client no other rights, implied or otherwise. Client will not: (a) copy, modify, adapt, translate or otherwise create derivative works of the Site or Services; (b) reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Site or Services, except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction; and (c) rent, sublicense, lease, sell, assign or otherwise transfer rights (or purport to do any of the same) in or to the Site or Services. The license granted above and Client’s right of use of the Site and Services will terminate immediately if Client fails to comply with these Terms of Service.
- Clients can use third parties’ products offered through the Site in accordance with and subject to licenses granted by these third parties.
- The Provider does not claim ownership of any content that Client posts on or shares through the Site; however, if Client submits content on areas of the Site that are generally available to the public (such as blogs, forums etc.), he/she grants the Provider an irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, sub-licensable, transferable license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes), communicate, publish, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, advertise in, on, and around, and to incorporate such content into other works in any form, format, media, technology or medium of any kind now known or later developed.
Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy
- Operations performed by the Provider upon Clients’ personal data, such as collection, recording, storage, use and disclosure are subject to the Privacy Policy, available on the Site. A Client consents to the processing of Clients’ personal data in the circumstances and purposes stated in that Privacy Policy.
Amendments and Modifications
- The Provider reserves the right to change the Site functionality at any time, in particular by introducing new functions and facilities for Clients.
- The Provider at its sole discretion may modify the provisions of these Terms of Service at any time for one or more of the following reasons:
- to comply with any change or anticipated change in any relevant law;
- to reflect any decision of a court, ombudsman or regulator;
- for security reasons;
- as a result of changed circumstances;
- as a result of changes in the cost of providing Services;
- to make them clearer.
- Changes regarding payments do not affect the fees and prices related to job requests previously approved and estimated by the Provider.
- The Provider can only make the change to the extent permitted by the applicable law.
- A change required to restore or maintain the security of Services may be made immediately and without prior notice to Clients.
- In case of any modifications of these Terms of Service the Client will be informed about them by posting on the Site’s home page. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms of Service, modifications take effect on the date specified by the Provider, which may not be earlier than 14 calendar days from the date of the said announcement. The Client who does not agree to the modifications may terminate the agreement with the Provider by sending the relevant termination notice using the following link Termination shall become effective upon receiving Client’s statement. Continued use of this Site after modifications have been effectively made to these Terms of Service indicates Client’s acceptance of the modified Terms of Service.
Final Provisions
- The Provider and a Client are independent parties, and nothing in these Terms of Service constitutes a partnership between or joint venture of the Provider and a Client.
- Neither party may assign or transfer any of their rights or obligations under these Terms of Service without the prior consent of the other. Pursuant to a merger, reorganization or restructuring involving the Provider, or the sale of its business, the Provider may, by notice to a Client, transfer or assign its rights and obligations. The consumer who does not agree to such transfer or assignment may terminate the agreement with the Provider by sending termination notice using the following link Termination shall become effective upon receiving Client’s statement. Continued use of this Site indicates Client’s consent to such transfer or assignment.
- These Terms of Service are publicly available at the following internet address
- Any queries or comments regarding these Terms of Service may be submitted at or by mail address: [email protected].
- These Terms of Service and all questions relating to the performance, interpretation, breach or enforcement of these Terms of Service, or the rights, obligations and liabilities under them are governed by the laws of the Republic of Poland.
- Any disputes, involving parties other than consumers (as defined in European Union regulations in force), regarding performance, interpretation, breach or enforcement of these Terms of Service, or the rights, obligations and liabilities under them shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of a court in Katowice (the Republic of Poland).
- The provisions of these Terms of Service do not infringe upon the consumer’s rights as dictated by the governing law, which has priority over the provisions of the hereby Terms of Service.
- These Terms of Service will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. If for any reason any provision of these Terms of Service are held to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law to any extent, then (a) such provision will be interpreted, construed or reformed to the extent reasonably required to render the same valid, enforceable and consistent with the original intent underlying such provision and (b) such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect any other provision of these Terms of Service.
- By choosing to access the Site the Client accepts full responsibility for compliance with all local or federal laws that are applicable. The Provider makes no representation that materials on the Site are appropriate or available for use in locations outside the European Union.
- These Terms of Service were originally written in English and may be translated into other languages. In the event of a conflict between a translated version and the English version, the English version shall prevail.
- The Terms of Service come into effect on December 27, 2021