News June 23, 2020 Kuba Gaj

MPCharity June Update: Pride Month!

June is the month of seeing through a wall of intolerance and discrimination. That’s why we've decided to support a very special organization.
MPCharity June Update: Pride Month!

2020 has been tough for all of us and abounded in the tragic events from its very beginning. But here comes June and the Pride Month – the time when we, as human beings, should reflect on how we behave … because watching the racism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and so many others ridiculous -phobias is deeply saddening.

Let’s Stay On The Only Good Side (For The Pride Month & Beyond) 

When I was researching #pridemonth, I read that the only side we all should be on is humanity, and I couldn’t agree more. Human rights are violated and ignored around the world on a daily basis and we don’t really care unless it concerns us personally. The situation in Poland is no different – not only “common people” make it harder for LGTBQ communities, but also the government fights against this “ideology” and ban marriages other than between a man and a woman. The phrase “love is love” is just meaningless here, I guess.

This is the place where we should actually step out and say a loud “NO”. 

No, we don’t agree with ignoring our rights. 

No, we don’t agree with ignoring the right of fellow humans. 

No, we don’t agree with ignoring the rights of minorities.

The unnecessary prejudices and intolerance are like another plague of our times and we’ve decided to spring into action.

Say No To Discrimination And Intolerance

For June’s edition of MPCharity we chose to support a Polish non-profit organization fighting with hate and discrimination called Ośrodek Monitorowania Zachowań Rasistowskich i Ksenofobicznych (it’s OMZRiK for short). I know, a long name but it generally states that this organization monitors the racist and xenophobic behaviors (and supports the victims of discrimination and intolerance).

It's Pride Month, so we couldn't help supporting an organization fighting against intolerance.

Since OMZRiK isn’t a governmental organization and isn’t supported by the country in any way (so it stays off the politics), the donations are necessary for them to be able to help those who need it. And it’s not like the only thing they do is to talk about the discrimination – no, they act upon it.

OMZRiK reports the crimes of hate to law enforcement, supports the victims of such behaviors, educate on the equal rights of all people, and publicize the topics that most people are afraid to talk about. We admire their work and even such simple thing as following their activity on Facebook can make a person aware of many problems they haven’t thought about before and didn’t even know about (who would believe that a pro-life conservative activist accused of victimizing homosexual people will go free because the accusers didn’t prove they’re homosexual … and she wouldn’t even be at court if it wasn’t for OMZRiK).

This organization gives hope to all of us and constantly fights with overwhelming hate and other harmful -phobias, and supports everyone who suffers from these prejudices. We’ve decided to support OMZRiK’s actions because no one should feel insecure in the country they live in. After all, people are not ideologies, we’re all human beings with the same rights.

Our donation is just a drop in the ocean but hopefully, it will give someone a chance to fight for their rights. In the spirit of Pride Month, we wanted to show our support to all people who suffer from intolerance – we stand by you and don’t agree with any kind of discrimination.